Brea's Babblebrook

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

What to wear????

Ok, I'm having uber issues with what to wear tomorrow to the JOSH GROBAN CONCERT. I went through my closet (which really is a pile of clean clothes that are folded on the kitchen table) and after plucking through and trying everything on and frowning upon everything I own, I ended up with a pink bra, A sock, and the bounty sheet from the dryer. It then dawned on me that I have a jean skirt folded in my drawer for nice occassions, and this I believe is concidered a NICE occassion. So we have a skirt, oh and a pink bra, oh and A sock which I wont be wearing a)because there's only one of them, b) Im wearing flip flops, and of course c)all of the above. The bounty sheet is a write off. There's just so much to consider. What will the temperature be in the building? *having hyperhydrosis really complicates things for a girl* Should I wear my hair up or down? Of course it depends on the temperature! Down = warm (but oh so classy) Up = a little cooler. But we're up high and its not a rowdy concert, so down should be fine, right? but doesnt hot air rise?! Though building's of that size *GM Place* should know better and have massive air-conditioning RIGHT? Right.

Long story short, I got so flustered at trying to find something to wear that I ripped everything off and dove into my pj's. If only I could wear THOSE to the concert. So where does this leave me? Brea's wearing a skirt and flip flops. Oh good! I'm about half way there : I'm never this anal, but it's Josh Groban, at GM Place, where there will be MASSES of people, and well, thats enough to scare a girl.

Isn't it fun being in the head of me? Kinda scatter-brained aren't I?:D yay me.

: )


At 10:45 PM, Blogger Sara said...

You are so silly. I think you should wear a black top with your skirt, your hair up with curliness, and then that tan jacket that you have. And your pink purse. That would be nice. And paint your toenails pink. Classy enough and girly enough and hopefully cool enough.

- Fizzy Boo Boo Boo Boo


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