Home Alone ... AHHHHHHHH!
*Grabs face and screams* haha K, not quite, but it fits doesnt it? My mom went to a "ladies night", my dad is "jamming" and Fiddy is "causing a ruckus somewhere".
Today was a lazy day. Man. I spent the night at Sazzle's maison last night and was up at 8am to get les car back home. Did some stuff around the house till about 930am, then found myself asleep on the couch. Awoke about 1030am I suppose then went to my room where my lovely bed was. I was SO tired, (maybe cause we didnt go to sleep till 4am :). So I stumbled sleepishly to my room where I crawled into bed. I wasnt really planning on falling asleep again, I was just gonna lie there for a bit and rest. Soon I found myself in a dream. Ha. Oops. Im falling in and out of conciousness, looking at the clock at noon and thinking "k, time to really get up" *falls back asleep* and then again at 130pm "k, brea, really" *starts snoring*. I open my eyes and 230pm had just passed. I could have sworn I woke up at this time. Guess not! It was like 5pm when I looked at the clock next and was like WHOA. That's when my mom came in quietly to collect towels for the laundry. "Are you ok hunnie?" I think I muttered something and really tried to awaken myself. This time I was successful! Yay me! Jeez. After that I was like soccer mom, haha. Had to drive Fiddy a few places, then to his buddies house. Came home and helped my mom get ready for her ladies night, and drove her to HER friend's house, then came home and really contomplated sleep again. But I thought, "Yeah, no. It's like 730pm, only a few more hours and you can go to bed for real, like a normal person." I knew I had to run out and get a phone card for my cell phone so I'd have minutes when Im at the club, so I procrastinated that for a few .... hours. Never did get there. haha. About 8pm now, and the phone rings! OH someone! haha. It was Talya. Her and John were in the area and wanted to stop by for une visit. So that they did. We watched a couple movies and ate, good times.
And now here I am, writing in this bloggy listening to music. My fasha just got home from "jamming" and he's talking to me from downstairs, "Hi hunnie!" ... "WHAAAT?" .... "HI! HUNNIE! HOW ARE YOU?! ..."GOOD! YOU?!" ... "WHAT?!"...."HELLO???" lol I cant really hear him, so Im going to go down and talk to him.
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