Brea's Babblebrook

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I am in fact a handy

So I pressed enter instead of hitting "tab" to bring me down to the writing part of this here blogaroo - so that is why you will notice the retardation.


Today was good and exhausting. Woke up at the hour of 8am for 2 of my feathered friends to show up so we could go for our Aquatards class at 915am. That did not happen. Was hella pissed at the time, but it all worked out when we got to go to the 1015am class. Sazzle and I did our thang in the Aquatards class for an hour and it was a wayyyyyy better work out then the last lady. We sweated our little assies off! while John laughed at us through the glass window from upstairs at the workout area where he was doing his Forst Gump thing. Then for 2 hours following our class we all did freestyle in the lanes. By freestyle I mean Sally looking so graceful being the excellent swimmer that she is and John and myself flapping around like wet drowned rat idiots. *smiles retardedly*

I tell ya, this whole "working out" thing ... does a body good. When they said "milk, it does a body good" they were in fact, incorrect.

I had a "Sand In Your Shorts" tonight, and ohhhh was it good. If you like pineapple, peach shnapps, vodka, some other fruity goodness ... and a big tumbler glass, I would recommend this drink.

OK! Sally is shrieking at me to go to sleep so I get a full 8 hours. I don't want to drown in the pool tomorrow OR fall off the tredmill! But guaranteed I will do one if not both! and I'm not going down alone! HEAR ME! NOT GOING DOWN ALONE!

~~~~OoooOoOo a smoothie. What in thaaat?!"~~~~


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