Brea's Babblebrook

Monday, October 11, 2004


Crushes really suck. I think a lot of you can concure. Crushes in general - they take up your time, your mind, your communication abilities, everything. It sucks. Especially when they don't reciprocate. Yet, you still pine for them? What is up with that? You start doubting yourself as a person, as a possible gf/bf, as a friend, it's messed up what the brain starts to conjure up, all these feelings and emotions, it sucks. Is it not the same for guys? I dont get it. Maybe it's different with everyone, but it seems like the majority of them will just let you crush on them, and they'll go on la tee da through life, almost soaking it up, never doing anything about it. It's aggrivating, and quite retarded if you ask me. Ugh, maybe that's the price you pay for having crushes that are out of your league.

We're not bitter! :


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