Brea's Babblebrook

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Jr. is doing well ... continued!

Sorry about that dely folks. Surprise visits are always fun, especially when you get taken out for dinner as a result!

So yeah, bladder pressing, pee very difficult to keep in, but did! Some sort of gold star can be given for bladder control, made out to "B-r-e-a". She poked and prodded for a while after that and needed to get a 2nd nurse to come and take a gander. I felt very special at this point, haven't pee'd the bed yet AND I need the whole nursing staff to come in and take a look at my pained belly. Good times it was, good times.

After that was all finished I got to pee! Oh what a pee that was. I was no longer a hunchicorn. The bad news was that I had to go BACK to emergency where they examined me again/still and did a couple more examy things. I did however get another bracelet. I am starting a collection. How many can I get in the next month? I have 2 so far in the span of 4 days. If I do my math correctly, I could have a pretty hefty collection! I'll have to get back into my scrapbooking.

Awww, back tracking a little bit. While we waiting at the ultrasound area place mahoog, there was this younger lady in her early 20's also getting an ultrasound cause she was preggers. We had a mutual connection right off the bat;) She apparently had liked my name a lot and was asking my mom how it's spelled and how Brea is short for Breanne. My mom told her the story of how I got named that wonderful name and she was impressed! and was seriously going to consider naming her daughter that! ~awwwwwwwww~ and the CRAZY part - my mom had to run into Safeway on our way home, and guess who was buying ham at the deli, at the same time! Twas her! My mom was like "omg, hii!" lol. They got to talking and the girl was like "so, would you really mind if I named my daughter that? Im really considering it. I have a boy named Daniel already. Daniel and Breanne, I like that!" So my mom grabbed a little piece of paper and wrote out how to spell it and probably drew some sort of heart pattern around it and spritzed it with some sweet smelling scent (cause hello, why wouldn't you do those things with a name like that) So that was kinda cool! My name will live on! AND she was wearing a pink sweat suit. Im sorry, but that's too perfect.

Im going for brunch with my Shooi tomorrow. YUM! IHOP-diddy here we come!

Im going to turn in and let my taco salad digest in my sleep. How pleasant for it.


At 5:52 PM, Blogger kathleen said...

awe thanks for your message...yes you are pretty much the greatest person ever. just as great as napoleon, and pedro.
haha yess! lol i'll update you on the hair thing...we're closed tomorrow tho but i'll keep u informed.


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