Brea's Babblebrook

Sunday, November 28, 2004

And another....

Another mid term tomorrow. Sucky deal. Studied for it, dont feel great about it though, but when do I ever feel good about a test? never. So that's that.

Went shopping today (thanks to the pay cheque- after putting away half for a car). It went a bit better then I had expected. I was in SUCH a mood. Both mom and dad came, and that seemed to worsen the situation. Is it just me, or when yer parents are around when your in a foul mood it just makes it worse, or no better? Of course they did nothing wrong, but your pissed. My dad always acts really sweet to me when Im in that mood (which is nice). My mom will either want to talk about it right then or she'll totally mind her business. I'll kinda snap an answer to a question to her, and she'll be like "oh! ok." You want to say "bah! sorry im in a terrible mood" but you dont, at least I dont, or cant. I dunno what it is, im retarded when it comes to that. I hate being in bad moods, its not me, but sometimes it just cant be helped. Put on the added stress of school and work- doesnt help. But whatever, Im over it.

Im going tuesday to look at cars with Mriss. My objective is to have a car by the middle of December. That's my goal, dammit. There's a really nice red 1997 Sunfire out in Surrey, but Mriss thinks we can get something better for the price they were offering. So we shall see.

We're in the starting process of painting our living room. It hasnt started yet, but the paint and all its accessories have been purchased. We're getting our christmas tree next weekend and we want it done before that, so this week is paint week! We're gonna get so high off fumes, it wont even be funny! Who'z in? hehe, jk.

Boo urns, up uber early for mid term. Must get beauty rest (HA!)


At 5:41 AM, Blogger Sara said...

I miss your blogging :(. Heheh GOOD LUCK with exams that are starting today!!!

- Shooi


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