Brea's Babblebrook

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Could I BE more sick?

The answer to that is yes, but boija, this one has hit me hard. I thought I was getting better. Yesterday was not too bad, and last night I was shaping up. This morning was alright, feeling a little sick, but nothing dabilitating. Later on in the day, my body decided to really turn on me, yet I still did my Christmas shopping (some of it), seeings how this was my only day off ever. My voice is completly gone. Have you seen it anywhere? I'd like it back. My glands are friggin sore and my throat is throbbing like a banchie on steriods. T'will be even more interesting at work tomorrow trying to page, with no voice, yes, I see a LOT of things getting done tomorrow. I bought NyQuil (however you spell it) so maybe toNIGHT I'll get some sleep. *crosses swollen glands* My gramma went to the doctors and has a "raging throat infection" *saw her at christmas dinner* so Im going to get my arse to the doctors likidy split. When? I have NO idea. Maybe my managers will have some sympathy for me and let me go home early or something, that would be sweet. (Though it's only me and Nassim closing, so I highly highly doubt it)

It may seem like Im complaining. Though I try not to think of it that way. This is a blog where I share things, so I just figure Im sharing things. Like cyber germs. Tee.

Alright, need that NyQuil. Time to pass the frick out.


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