Brea's Babblebrook

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Mmm sizzling skin.

Mmm, nothing like the smell of tanning radiating off your skin on a clear fall night:P Spent most of today doing my philosophy. That was rather fun: Ick, I don't even know if I did it correctly, guess we'll find out tomorrow. We'll also find out how Brea did on her psych mid-term. Je tres scared. He did put one question on the test though that only had one answer to choose from, so I got at LEAST one. lol. Let's hope Brea gets a few more than one. There were about 5 pages of written stuff, and I wrote like a banchie. Whether it was right or not is a different story:P *sigh*

Oh man, Good Charlotte is coming to town. I really really like them. They rock my socks. Billy Talent will also be here. They put on a GREAT show. Seen them once already, and it was such a blast. So many moshers, and crowd surfers, and Jasons getting beamed in the head with full pepsi bottles...ahhh such fond memories.

Meh, not much to say tonight. It's 10h30, time to turn in.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Dreams are so odd. I can't help thinking about the one I had last night. It was about Sheebs. She was with us again, but on one of her back legs, she had 2 legs, where only one is supposed to be. It was really bothering her, and she was uncomfortable. Ever since she passed away, I've had a few dreams about her, but they haven't been good ones. Does that mean she's not happy where she is now? :( I HOPE not. I hope she's in a place that is filled with her favorite dog treats, and other dogs that she can play with, free of pain. What I wouldn't give to have her back for one day. *sigh*

Marissa's birthday dinner last night was funners. She spent the night at my place for obvious reasons (haha) It was good times, I had a lot of fun. It was cool seeing everyone again. Im getting excited about Saturday night. First time clubbin', shooould be interesting. Just don't let me put my drink down, and I'll be fine! I've heard so many horror stories, any more and I'll have to cotton swab my ears. I put trust in the people that I'll be with and hope for the best! and the most fun!

Ohhh One Tree Hill started this evening. I was home just in time from classes to catch it! Chad Michael Murray, yum mee. I need a Chad Michael Murray. I want a Chad Michael Murray. Give me liberty, or give me Chad. :P

Awww, I hate when you text message people, or call them, and the don't respond back, it makes me sad! Aren't I the most important thing in their lives?! My goodness. I mean really! ;) Riiiight Brea, you just think that.

Well, I came up here to start my Philosophy work, but I will leave here not having touched it. I guess that's one more thing I'll do tomorrow. Good thing I have that class on Thursday's.

Cheers peeps

Monday, September 27, 2004


So not only is studying a b*tch, mid-terms are also, in fact, a b*tch. Boija mcbean. 15 pages. Not fun. I wrote like a banchie on the short answer section so lets hope that gets me somewhere. I believe it was the coffee Sally and I got from the beach that made me get through it:P Surprisingly enough, there are very few people at the beach at 10 to 7 in the morning, I guess people are sleeping? OF COURSE THEY ARE SLEEPING! IT'S 10 TO 7 IN THE MORNING!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARISSA!!!! YAAAAAAAAAY! My little boo is legal. How precious. Tee hee.

I need to go do something before I start thinking about that damned mid term again. I shall....BUY A BOAT!


Sunday, September 26, 2004


Oh man. Studying is a B*TCH!

My mom and I rearranged my room all morning which was so fun. It was hillarious seeing her and I try to move my huge ass wood bed to the other side of the room. We were laughing like banchies. So it's all clean and organized and whatnot and so forth. Next will be the computer, w00t.

Had a study session this evening for psychology. Sally and I were like crying, we're so dead tomorrow for the mid-term. Im just gonna cry through the whole thing. Yes. Cry! Brilliant! After much studying/freaking out we were so famished. John appeared out of the sky so we decided to get a bite to mange. Went into Richmond, then to Vancouver. After bickering for a good half hour on where to go, we decided on Tony Romas. It's such a cool place! and SUCH GOOD FOOD. Yum in the tum. I had awesome chicken! I broke out in a laugh attack, I can't remember how it started though. I think John said something funny, or made a funny, NO! it was Sally! She made a funny gesture that caugh my attention and it was friggin hillarious, and it just escaladed from there. The tears were a-flowin, and a some the snort, which John found quite amusing, which I found quite embarassing. The whole way home we made french noises. Say "sont" almost aggresively, and drop your jaw REALLY fast as you say the 's' 'o' part...SOWG. It's great. A harty belly laugh you will have.

So after wasting my time writing in this darned BLOG! Im going to study, and then get my ass to sleep. Im leaving at 645am tomorrow. SICK! Mid-terms SUCK!


Saturday, September 25, 2004

Im a retard

Im a retard, and pressed something on the keyboard which made my blog be published. I think thats a sign for me to turn in for the night. So i'll leave you with my retardation. Good. Great. Grood.

So that's what it feels like

So that's what it feels like to be fired. Yes folks. I was f-i-r-e-d today, let go, if you will. No one showed up to the presentations I had booked for them, so that got me fired. Boo friggity urns. Oh well, onto the next place of employment, w00t?. Yes. w00t.
I've decided I want a pink mini ipod. They are cute, and tiny and PINK.
I really dont have ANYTHING intelligent to say.
I have so much to study, and so much to do. o much to think about So much to freak out about, its just lovely.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Break time

Uh buhhhh. That's pretty much what my brain can muster at this point. I can't wait until 10pm tonight when I'm walking outta the school doors, that's the start of my one day weekend. Friday rocks. Don't work, don't have classes, can sleep in *gasp* I do have a huge ass mid term on monday that I *should* study for, meh, it'll happen, I'll study, I promise. This weekend there is hope to move my computer into my room :) That will be fun. Sally just got an iBook, so she said she would give me her old moniter, isnt that nice?? So I'm super happy about that. So between that, studying,working, and having a spongebob marathon, I should be thoroughly exhausted by monday, right in time for my mid term. w00t. I really need a planner, Im just using a little calendar that's hard to write in, I want a Palm Pilot, those look extra fun, with a capital F.

As Sara just said "Im going to be disiplined and say goodbye"
Classes await my arrival.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Buh, blood test.

Today, today, today. Ick. Worked till 1pm, only got 2 bookings, though I'd be fired. Straight home to go to the lab to get blood sucked outta me, aaaagain. Will it end? BUUUUUH. Straight home to do 3 hours of Philosophy which I just finished printing off now, my eyes are glazed, fingers are numb and crampy. I did have nice music while all this was happening though, so thats a plus. Except at the lab, cause that is just a blood bath (no pun intended) of intimidation. I think its a mind thing. Giving blood is rewarding. But when you're forced to a blood-sucking place cause something is wrong and you dont know why you feel the way you do, it SUCKS! Though my nurse lady was SUPER nice. So between her and my thoughts of trying to remember french units from grade 11, it was somewhat ok, still SUCKED, but meh.

Drew won Big Brother! mmmmm! and Chip and Kim won The Amazing Race! I was rooting for Brandon and Nicole, they came in 3rd though. Oh well.

Only one more morning, and then I get my once a week sleep in! Im so friggin excited about that you have NO idea. MY GOOD LORD. I thank Him for friday mornings and me being able to sleep in to a billion 40.....40!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

mmm naps

I now know why people take naps, my gosh. I've joined the napping club. Whenever I can get one in, I take it! I've been feeling really under the weather lately for no reason, especially in the mornings. Monday morning was horrid. I finished classes at 10am, then came home and slept for 5 hours, then went to work. Home at 930pm then right to sleepz, after some studying. We've been calling people in California for the past couple days at work, they are MUCH nicer than Kansas, and they dont get as good a deal as Kansas. Maybe when Sara and her cousin take over the world, they can, hmmm, remove Kansas, maybe put them near Nunavut? Just a thought.

Tomorrow is the fist day of Autumn AND it's Jason's 20th birthday! Man we're getting so friggin old. I don't feel friggin old, so I guess that's good. And I still get ID'd when purchasing adult beverages, so that makes me feel youthful :)

Big Brother finale is on in 10mins. It's between Drew (the hot college grad) and Michael (the quarky, awkward, lanky, hick cowboy) The anticipation is hurting me. So, Im going to see if I can stomach something, and then settle myself in to Big Brother.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

KansASS.... : |

Kansas, Kansas, Kansas. People can be so mean when you tell them that you have a vacation package for them. "You know what you CAN do for me, you can go f*ck yourself" ... "You're interupting my cheesecake, you can go to HELL" this is what we lovely people have to deal with. Though some are like "OHHHH!" which makes it all better. Got 3 bookings today, which isnt bad, but not really good for 6 hours. It's difficult when no one is home. Oh well, lets hope for lots tomorrow! or my ass is fired!

I had a sugar-free vanilla breve latte tonight, a hot one, and it was yummy. I usually get an iced one, but it was really cold out tonight, so yeah. Hopefully it doesn't keep me jacked up, cause I have to leave at 650am tomorrow for class, buhhh. Note to self: Don't get an early class ever again. Tomorrow is going to be a hat day. Maybe a sweat pants day too, but that would require me to wash them, so hmm, maybe not. I'm running out of clothes. One pair of jeans has developed a nice hole in the crotch, and my other jeans are getting baggy and I hate that, and it looks dumb. Those are they only pants I have. Sad. I know. I have a skirt, but its too friggin cold now for skirts I'd say. I'll just get a moo-moo and it'll be all good.

I've been feeling SO pukey these past few mornings. I've been at work just praying that I don't get sick all over my cubby. It's been so bad. "Maybe you're preggers" says John. Yes. With Justin Timberlake's love child.

Guster and Howie Day have been on repeat now for a few days. It's calming music and makes me think of my dog. I really wanna go to a concert soon. Not a jumpy one, but one that you just lay back and enjoy the music. I'm thinking of the time I went to see Howie Day in Seattle with my best friends, that was such a great concert. The atmosphere, the mood, the people, the performance, everything was so great. And when I went (also with best friends) to see Vertical Horizon, and Three Doors Down(mainly) for a VH1 concert taping in Seattle. Such good memories. Ha, and the drive up, the conversations we had. LOL. Priceless.

Buh, I need to go to sleep. My foot's already there.

Friday, September 17, 2004

complain, complain, complain

(Im hoping this will illeviate some of my rage)

Im in such a pissy-ass mood right now. Im pissed that my dog isnt here, Im pissed that Im having troubles with my Philosophy assignment, Im pissed at people, Im pissed that there is a noise in my room that sounds like a bug/creature is roaming around my stuff, and Im pissed that Im pissed!!! It's been such a trying week and I feel like Im getting sick. This is where I need a stapping stud to sweep me off my feet, right about now would be fine. Grr, this week can go in the f-ing crapper.

(That's a little better)

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Too exhausted to muster up a title

Whoa, my nose itches like there is no tomorrow. What does that mean? Similar to ear's burning when someone's talking about you? Oh well, anyway. Waking up at 6am is getting harder. I used to just get right up, but now I'm finding myself hitting the snooze button and then getting ready at the last second before I'm out the door.

Psych class this morning was pretty good, same with Philosophy that I had tonight, really tiring though due to the lack of sleep I recieved the night before. Speaking of last night, when I was lying in bed, all tucked in, this feeling came over me that scared me SO much. I was complety awake thinking about falling asleep, then I felt the room go even darker and my breathing became SO loud, it was like I was in a massive air tunnel, and then I felt as though I became paralyzed. I was trying so hard to "wake up" though I don't believe I was sleeping. I was trying to open my mouth to screem cause I was so afraid, but it wouldn't open. I was trying to move in any way, nothing. I remember thinking while this was happening "Omg, screem and someone'll come down" I soon came around and sorta gasped for air and the light through the door shawn(shine) again, everything went back to normal except for my heart that was beating a trillion miles an hour. It was the scariest thing. I was aprehensive to try and go to sleep again thinking it might happen again so I sorta kept myself up. Eventually I fell asleep. But, jeez.

I'm glad I don't have classes tomorrow. Though I have to go to the doctors, but that should be fine. Then I can catch up on my homework before things start getting really busy. We'll see how well Brea's time managment skills are this year. It's a challenge, but I'm grasping it by the horns and going to the rodeo, (so to speak).

: ) (L) sheebs (L)

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

You don't know what you got 'till it's gone.

14 years was a long time for her to live. She gave us many wonderful memories and laughs. She became part of the family instantly and I never thought I'd see the day where we'd have to say goodbye. I miss her little cries when it started to rain, the massive greetings we'd recieve when we got home, a friend to talk to when no one would listen. However, I do not miss the amount of pain she was in. She took a turn for the worst last night, and we finally had to accept the fact that she had to go. I sure didn't want to believe it. My mom had said before I left for work this morning that she thought she was gonna take Sheeba in cause she had a bad night. I knew when she meant, but didnt want to even acknowledge it. When I got home I went straight to the porch doors like I always do to greet her, but her bed was gone. I opened the doors, looked in her little house, nothing. Looked out into the yard by the big tree, apple tree, shed, nothing. Worst feeling.
"You don't know what you got 'till it's gone" - so true. You always felt safe with Sheeba, like nothing would harm you, and nothing ever did. I hope all the other dogs she's meeting are playing nice and all I wish is that she is free of pain, and maybe one day we'll be free of the pain we faced today with the loss of Sheebs. Love you girl.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004


So ... tired *yawns* I had to run to the bank to get them to fill out the portion of my Student Loan documents, that took forever. Went to the post office waited waited waited in line only to find out they cant fill out their portion at the branch I went to. So I have to make it out to Langley or Surrey/Newton sometime and get THEM to do it. Im waiting for my laundry to be finished then I can go to class. Dont really want to show up to class in my pj's, though it is VERY tempting! Im meeting up with my gramma before class, so that should be cool. She's neat. Then my 3 hour class. It's so hard to keep focus when the prof is lecturing the whole time, in any class really. Your mind tends to drift off, mine does like there is no tomorrow, and if you take notes the whole time, your hand begins to have epileptic seizures and that's never a good outcome. So really, nothing helps, hehehe.

Start work tomorra morning. It should be fun, and interesting. I'll be able to get my own car in time, which will be heavenly. I'll be able to "cute it up" without my parents saying "mmm no, I dont want to drive around with that too" Hehe, they're awesome though.

K, better shower for class! I want to MAKE friends.

: )

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Grood. Good and great.

Stef rocks my socks. She gave me a computer tower modem thinger whats-it! Complete with almost everything, my favorite being the XP, dee-lux!Oh and iTunes! *gasp* Im so in love with it, my heart is full.

What am I not in love with? Having to leave for school at 6:45am tomorrow morning. I actually think it's illegal : - p I'll take advantage of the beautiful Surrey drive, lol. Im not sure if I was supposed to read the 1st section in my psychology book or not, Sally's not sure either, hmmm. Let's not and say we did!

So today I had a job interview for TrendWest, and got it. I had to read a script over the phone to my boss who was in the next room, it was kinda funny. Ahh roll playing, is there anything it cant do? Everyone seems pretty cool. Should be grood. Good and great.

I love how iTunes just switches right to the next song. Im so used to having to open my D: drive and find where I keep my music and double click on a song everytime, ahhh, Im livin' in the fast lane now folks.

Haha, yesterday when John was putting together my computer he noticed a kids type movie on the book shelf, he pulled it out, and it was called "Babblebrook" I had NO idea it was there, or that it was named that and I find it really quite freaky that I named my blog "Breas Babblebrook" I thought I was so clever at the time coming up with a somewhat cool name, and here I find out, that I was not that cool afterall. It's like Im 2nd fiddle to this character who came up with the name in the first place. That's ok. I know Im cool. (noooo, your noooot.)

That's enough babble for now I suppose. I will now dedicate my attention to Rufus (8)

: )

She's had a good run

So, we have to put our dog down. We're just waiting for everyone to accept the fact, and then we'll take her in. My parents want to have her creamated (sp?) I don't know how i feel about that. I'd rather she just live forever, but what can you do? She's had a good run though, she's almost 15, and from what i've been hearing, thats good for a dog. It's hard to remember life without Sheeba. I remember the day we brought her home from the shelter, we weren't sure what we were going to name her, and i remember saying "hey! lets each make up a name and call her that", my parents made me realize that was not a good idea, and would confuse the dog to no end. We came up with Sheeba, like Queen of Sheeba. She looked like a queen, so it fit to a "t". Ack, I don't want her to go, but its selfish and unfair to keep her suffering any longer. Boo.

: (

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Back to business

First day back was pretty decent. No real hotties yet :P I did not get lost, driving OR on campus. Though I did attempt to find the library and Student Lounge/Fish Bowl, but that backfired and I bolted straight for the car. Hehe. Will attempt again on Thursday. It also seems kinda strange to me that my Gramma teaches there as well. Im learning and my gramma is in the same building??? how does THAT work :P It's all good, I love 'er.

Last night was so peaceful. I took myself out for cofffee. LOL. I couldnt get a hold of anyone, and I wanted to get out, so that's what I did. Cranked up the toones and headed le out. I also stopped in at Staples cause I needed WhiteOut. I grabbed a coffee and had a nice little beach drive. Wow, im SUCH a loser. Why am I telling people this? Oh well, as if they didnt know already.

Im in the middle of reading my books for class. It's pretty interesting so far, and you better believe im extatic about the 10page term paper I gotta write :P Mmm term papers...and there'll be 2 more coming! So thats like 30 pages of bull I have to come up with! Ohhh I cant WAIT.

Enough babble for now I suppose. I hope to see some of you soon, I miss ya guys! And the people I've seen often, I miss you too!

: )

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I'm a "N"erd!

W00t! I'm a Nerd, feels good. Got classes in 3 hours and will have the pleasure of driving there with no yapee passenger :P Just me and the voices in my head, yay!

The test went really well. Got to go in a brand new Honda Civic, it was so pretty inside. My driving tester actually fell asleep, lol. I wasnt sure if I should wake him up or not, so I caughed and he startled awake and said "ahh yes, and at this next intersection you'll make a right hand turn" I smiled. He sang, we talked, it was all really good.

That's about all for now :) Gotta get back into school mode, *sigh* hehe

: )

Monday, September 06, 2004


Meh, feeling very meh. I dont know if its because I have my road test in the morning, or cause school starts again tomorrow, or cause I keep hanging out with friends who have boyfriends/"ex boyfriends" and am constantly the 3rd wheel that keeps being reminded that she's alone, I dont know. Maybe I'm just coming down from my cry-fest I had the other day, who the frick knows? It stinks. I hate it. Something needs to start happening in one of those departments or I'm going to loose my mind. School starts tomorrow, new campus, new people, maybe something magical will happen (HA!). Going to sleep now.


Sunday, September 05, 2004


Ahhhh, back from Calgs. What an awesome trip. Even though we were really only there for one full day. The drive up was splendid(for the most part, *glares at Banff*), as was the drive back, loooong, but splendid none the less! I had great company, and there was great music. Especially "Oceano" by my Josh Groban, listened to over and over! yaaaaaaaay, this right here, was in heaven.

We were on the highway by 11am and arrived in Calgs about 9pm-somethingish, and got to our destination 'bout 1030pm. We were greeted with open arms and waited anxiously for Laura's arrival. As soon as she walked in the door, we mawled her, haha. She looks FANTASTIC. We chatted a bit then headed over to Wades house. Wade had graduated that night and was having an after party at his place. We got to meet some of Laura's friends from the program, they were funners. We mingled then watched a movie. It was around 1am and even though the movie wasnt finished we jetted off cause we all needed our well deserved rest. When we had settled into our sleeping arrangments back at the house, ahhh living room slumber sleeping, is there anything better?!, we ended up chatting till the even wee'er hours of the morning. Morning was tough. Eyes completely crusted over, all gooed up, especially John's cause he didnt/forgot to take his contacts out, so they were extra gooey! The family had made a scrumptious breakfast that was chowed down by us, the chower's, then we were off to the mall! Ahh Chinook Mall, a grand place really! Did some shopping, saw a movie, devoured some Starbucks, good friggin times. We headed back to the house after the movie so Laura could get all jazzed up! Which she did. She's so beautiful. Then pictures, pictures galore which John and I were forced into, haha, they're a funny family. Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, the whole load of them! Off to AARC we went. The place is quite nice, very intamite. The room started to fill with people quickly, but since we are "special" we got the 1st 2 rows on the side. mwahaha. 7pm arrives and the lights dim, and I start to get a little emotional. Larua's group walked up the isle and sat front row, center. Then Laura and her family proceeded up the isle and onto their lovely table on the stage. All the while Larua's grad song was playing over the speakers. At this point, I had lost it, lol. I couldnt hold the tears back. For the next 2.5 hours, the waterworks we're a flowin. Sidenote: I absolutly HATE crying infront of people, but like my dad, when they start, they just don't stop, so Im just like MEH let them come, yes I have emotions, yes I do! I know John kept looking over and I tried to make it look like I wasnt crying, as if the puffy eyes, and the red nose and the sniffling wasnt giving it away, so I failed. BACK on track. Laura's speech was wondeful. Wow. So was the rest of the family's. All so heart warming and personal. It was such a delight. Guess what the closing song was. Josh Groban "You Raise Me Up". I thought I was going to pass out from the lack of water in my head. I was trying to be discreet, but when your crying like a friggin banchie, its hard to conceal it. John and her family were comforting though which made me happy, which made me cry more! I swear, no more crying for this one for a good year.

The after party was funners, hehe. Their little condo was FILLED with people. Laura, John and myself kinda hung on the stoop outside, then migrated inside for a little, while Laura opened some of her gifts, then went and played at a near by park on the jungle gym. It was late when the party died down and people started to leave. John and I retired to the couch and sat there looking like exhausted little monkies. Laura soon joined. We sat there listening to Guster and chatting. The wee hours of the morning rolled around again, and we decided to go to schleepers. Morning came WAY to fast. It was 10am when our beady little eyes opened, and we were supposed to leave at like 8am, haha oops. We were outta there about 11am.

It sure was an eye opener. But I love Laura no less, and a lot more! We finally got our friend back.

: )

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Departure tomorra

Calgary better watch out, they've got 2 crazies comin' tomorra! Spent most of today packing/overpacking for yee ol' trip. I've brought enough clothes to last a good week even though we're going for about 3 days, but hey, I need variety, and what if I want to wear THIS instead of THAT, I have the option of wearing THIS because I overpacked and BROUGHT THIS, so it all works itself out in the end, except for the fact that I'm unable to zip the damn bag up.

Got to see Stef tonight which made me very happy. She's a Saskatchewanite now. We'll see her next in December, w00t.

Well ... that's really all I have to say at this point, gotta get to bed, early start tomorra! Get to see my Mumma Wubble Bubble Bear tomorroa! yay!

: )

wow, wow, friggin wow.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. I have returned from the Josh Groban concert and it was AMAZING. I was so impressed with him this evening. He just blows my mind. And props to the sound folk for doing an exceptional job. I'm totally speechless and it hasnt hit me yet that I went to see Josh Groban. BINDLES of thanks again to Sara, John, and Stef for the tickets, and Sara and John for coming(not that you had to be gagged), bestest of friends, really. I am FORever greatfull.

Cranky people stink. We had this crap bag lady infront of us, who, when John was reaching for his phone in his pocket which caused him to slouch a bit, snaps back and says "could you please move your LEG back" in a very unpleasant manner, and then *grrr* as the opening act (William Joseph) was playing, Sara leaned over and whispered "did you remember to bring tissue" I whispered back "no, i forgot!" and she whips her big head back and shrieks "can you guys be QUIET?" whoa there little lady, simmer yourself.

Ahhh visions of Josh Groban are dancing in my head. And yes, I did cry. But just once! He opened with Oceano. That was SO pleasant. Then another song, then another. THEN! the mother of all songs, "To Where You Are", this is where Brea commenced her crying. After that blubber, I was good! and sat back and shrieked and enjoyed his warm voice.

: )