Brea's Babblebrook

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Unsure feelings

I don't know why, but Im feeling kinda sad and lonely. Spent the past couple hours teary and not sure why. I feel as though something bad is going to happen. Not neccessarily uber bad, but something. I woke up with an unsure feeling, but tried to ignore it all day, and I guess now its come back with avengance. I'd much like it to go away, but if that means that something bad is going to happen, then should I ask it to stay? Last time I had this feeling was a while ago. This overwhelming feeling came over me as a friend and I were heading into Vancouver that something had happened, or was going to happen to one of my friends, in particluar him and his car. When I got home later that day, I checked in with him to make sure everything was fine, and it totally was. But the next day was when he was in his car driving to school and the passenger rear side view mirror was bashed off as he left the carport. Not harmful to him persay, but ouch, the car. Meh, I just get these feelings sometimes, and it seems to be geared towards my friends most of the time. I dont want to put it out there, Im just saying. I've got a busy next few days coming up, Im hoping and praying that everything goes to plan.

Cats are so unpredictable. My little one Otto had just been set down in my room with some food for the night. After he finishes eating he flops down beside me and is all lovey dovey. So we cuddle a bit, then he moves to the floor. I'm watching some tv at this point and its a commercial. So I go and pick up Otto and say my hello's, cradling him like a baby which he LOVES. He's looking at me all cute and then all of a suddon his eyes went really huge, claws out and he lunges at my neck, full claws and teeth. Bit the crap outta my throat, I friggin drop him. He was possesed or something. It hurt like a biznatch.

I guess my sorry self is gonna do something productive. I'm not the least bit tired and its nearly tomorrow. Booo. Oh there's the phone, maybe that'll occupy me for a lil while.

: )

What to wear????

Ok, I'm having uber issues with what to wear tomorrow to the JOSH GROBAN CONCERT. I went through my closet (which really is a pile of clean clothes that are folded on the kitchen table) and after plucking through and trying everything on and frowning upon everything I own, I ended up with a pink bra, A sock, and the bounty sheet from the dryer. It then dawned on me that I have a jean skirt folded in my drawer for nice occassions, and this I believe is concidered a NICE occassion. So we have a skirt, oh and a pink bra, oh and A sock which I wont be wearing a)because there's only one of them, b) Im wearing flip flops, and of course c)all of the above. The bounty sheet is a write off. There's just so much to consider. What will the temperature be in the building? *having hyperhydrosis really complicates things for a girl* Should I wear my hair up or down? Of course it depends on the temperature! Down = warm (but oh so classy) Up = a little cooler. But we're up high and its not a rowdy concert, so down should be fine, right? but doesnt hot air rise?! Though building's of that size *GM Place* should know better and have massive air-conditioning RIGHT? Right.

Long story short, I got so flustered at trying to find something to wear that I ripped everything off and dove into my pj's. If only I could wear THOSE to the concert. So where does this leave me? Brea's wearing a skirt and flip flops. Oh good! I'm about half way there : I'm never this anal, but it's Josh Groban, at GM Place, where there will be MASSES of people, and well, thats enough to scare a girl.

Isn't it fun being in the head of me? Kinda scatter-brained aren't I?:D yay me.

: )

Babble Babble

30 hours to go!! Man oh man, everything's coming up Josh Groban roses for me hey?? After tossing and turning for quite some time last night, I finally conked out around 230am, my mind was just a racin'! Course it didnt help that I had a starbucks coffee a few hours before. I wonder how Sara slept? People who think counting sheep works, is sadly mistaken. Those sheep are useless!

Ahh Bloggy McBean

Ooo La La! I have joined the Blogsmith's. How neato. I find it a crap load easier to type things out rather than writing them by hand, and since I have used up the last page in my journal *diary, if you will:P*, I have moved on to bigger and better things! The Bloggies! Since Sara got some the blog *claps* a while ago, I've found myself reading it when I remember it's there, so I said to myself "self, create a blog!" and I pointed my finger to the moniter as if it had magical powers. After a few mins of trying to make the magic "happen", I got fed up and just went to the website, actually, I believe I clicked on a link through Sara's Bloggie McBean where it led me to create my OWN! Sprekaning of Sara *please mind my german/attempt to spell in german*, I had a really great time with her tonight. She came over and brought the Ben Folds Five Piano Book with her *gasp*, I took one look at "Philosophy" and had heart palpatations. It's nuts! I've been through years at the Royal Conservatory of Music for piano, and I didnt know what half the damn stuff meant! Maybe by the time I'm 79 I'll be able to say "I can play the melody!" One can hope! So messed around with that a while, then we went for coffee at the deefrigginlightful Starbucks where we both got an "Iced Vanilla Breve Latte" It's good for those who are watching the carbs! *grunts slightly at Mr.Atkins" It was uber busy inside, so we decided to drive and drink :O, it's ok, the coffee, she wasnt spiked....THIS time. Had a wonderful conversation about thangs and felt good!

I was blessed with the BESTEST FRIENDS EVER and got tickets for my birthday! How amazing are THEY?! Amazing enought to mention names I'd say! ... props to SARA, JOHN, AND STEF!!!!!!!!! You guys rock like there is NO tomorrow. Love love love!

Ok, I think I've given my fingers enough of a workout for one night. But don't you frown! I'll be back!