Brea's Babblebrook

Monday, July 18, 2005

Lobster McGee

The sun gods have blessed us with an amazing day! So what better thing to do on your day off then go to the beach! Marissa and I had plans to go to Harrison Hot Springs for the day, but apparently it was raining out there! Sooo, we went the other way and went to Kits beach in Vancouver. Wow, it was gorgeous, but the tide was WAY out, so we didnt swim. We sure did soak up the rays though. OI. We found a good spot on the sand that was free and layed out towels and just basked there for about an hour. Being the retards we are, we put on tanning oil instead of sun screen. Oil TOTALLY soaks up le plus more sun, haha. My legs tunred briiiiiiiight red by the end and I've got a huge line where my shorts ended. Think, literally, a lobster, and that is what my legs look like. OH and I didnt flip over either, so its just the front part. Classy.

After a couple hours there, we decided to stop burning ourselves and go to the mall! Ahhh, our friend. We headed to Oakridge mall. I picked up a couple tank tops.

Marissa's parents are out of town, so a few of us are going over there for a little shin dig! (I hope her parents dont read this!, lol. Why the heck would they? Marissa doesnt even read it. Lol, her mom magically finds it when shes doing her real estate at work, mmmm, my baaaaaaaaad) This is not a shin dig of any sorts. We are infact going to be doing crafts, yeah, and um, drinking tea and scons and chatting about current events and how to achieve world peace, (A)

I have a massive cavity, actually 26, but one is especially hurting me right now, its throbbing. It MAY be time to go back to the dentist. No?

YAY Sara called me this evening. I love her. She's doing SO well in Aussie. She loves it and is now refering to it as her home. That is so great. We had a really nice 45 min chat, and it only cost like 4 cents! She gave me some good advice and confirmed some stuff I was feeing uneasy about. I love Sara that way.

FRANKIE MUNEZ IS ENGAGED! Hes like ... 4!!!!!!! Oh dear, and Jude Law has admitted to having an affair with his kids' 26 year old nanny! and sharks don't have tongues.

Time to go get ready.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

"If you will please flip to page 7A of the Boston Pizza menu I think you may find what you are looking for

Lol. Funnest dinner EVER. Sefie, you rock so much.

Monday, July 11, 2005

You Can't Keep A Good Sponge Down

So to cheer me up, I picked up the Sponge Bob book that Mike got for me when he was in town. This book is so cute! Here are some of my favorite quotes. I hope it brightens your day as it did mine.

"It's no secret that the best thing about a secret is secretly telling someone your secret. Thereby secretly adding another secret to their secret collection of secrets...secretly. (wow, that really makes you realize what a weird word "secret" is)

"Just about anything is fun." "I'm thinking of all the fun I'm going to have with this piece of paper!!"

"See how wonderful life can be when you're MANIACAL?"

"To be happy, you don't even need clothes!" - Now you remember that!

"I'm not letting go! Nothing will stop me! Not even ... giant clams?! I'm not letting go even for ... cheese graters?! If you think Im letting go for a little EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION?! OH, NO!!!"

"I may not have the Krabby Patty recipe, but I've still got Chumbalaya!"

"Let's sing our own song about the joy of staying indoors. (8)I know of a plaaaaace...where you never get haaaarmed ... a magical plaaaace ... with magical chaaaarms ... indoors! indoors!(8)"

"One good way to get happy is to get naked!" - Wow Sponge Bob, your quite the scandalous!

"You can be happy and still act like an adult. Allow me to demonstrate. First, puff out your chest. Now say 'tax exemption'"

"Remember, money can't make you happy." "Are you on some new allergy medication, boy?!"

This really tops it off, le piece de resistance! lol...........

"You know, if I were to die right now in some sort of fiery explosion due to the carelessness of a friend ... well, that'd be just okay."

Ahhh, Spongebob, you freaky deaky dutch bastard.


I've never had so much love for someone in my life.

I just saw Dark Water. Those of you who have seen it, you may know what Im talking about. If you havent seen it, I suggest you go see it, drive back home with your girlfriend and hold their hand tight for comfort (that's what we did!) and then run home and smother your mom in love. Seriously, Im a mess. You wont have them around forever, so soak up all the love you can now, while they're still here.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hello Jello!

These past few days I've had a lot of time to be alone and reflect on things and most of all jam on the piano. I've learned 3 new songs - Josh Groban ones that is. My favorite is Remember When It Rained. Its juuuuuust beautiful! It's inspired me to push through this "Im not good enough" phase and just do it. Thats how I feel today, tomorrow will prolly be a different story.

Kathleen and I have decided that, well ... Im going to marry Josh and she is going to be the minister of our wedding. But see .. while Im serenading him with his songs on the piano, she is going to be hiding inside the piano getting ready to drug him, then I can have my way with him, and by the time he wakes up Kathleen will already have gotten dressed in her minister's outfit inside the piano and it will be a done deal! WE'LL BE MARRIED. Brea Groban. Has a nice ring to it if I do say so myself.

Goin' to les gym again tonight. Feelin' good, gettin' rid of some of the whale, eh Stef?!. He's stubborn though so you gotta put him in his place. Which is NOT ON ME. Mwahahaha.

The new Coldplay is very delightful and so is that Missy Elliot song with that insanely cool beat in the background. I remember grinding Sally to that song at the club. Heck yes.

Sooooo time to get changed into my gym garb and laugh at Jack McFarrland and have a gay ol' time!!

Monday, July 04, 2005

"Your really weird." .... "I don't caaare."

Can't wait for Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to come out! It's gonna be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

Please be careful of the zombies that will feed off of you. But don't worry, just grab your gun and shoot them in the face. That is what kills them. Although I am not speaking from experience (or aaaam I?), I did see Land(Lord, haha) of the Dead and that is what works. Trust me! Lets just say much booting was done to the car after that movie. Geesh.

So my nose is no longer a virgin, no longer pure ... thats right. Today it has been impailed with a huge sharp needle in order for a study McCurly-Q type mabobber to fill the gap. Yeah. Got ma nose pierced. I figured hey, Im 20, it's about time I put a hole in my nose. My ears were getting lonely. The only part that really hurt was right when she jabbed the needle through my nose. I wanted to puke a little .. in my mouth, but I refrained. She put the nose stud in and I started bleedin. I thought "huh, that wasnt bad at all!" .. then the little bit of freezing on the end of the needle wore off....OKKKK there it is!! Kroowwky! I still can't flare my nose without it hurting. Hope that goes away. But I like it. A lot.

Rumor has it that my dearest brother, Sir Fiddy bitchcakes, is moving out Aug.1st and seems quite content on it this time. That'd be rad if he actually did. My mom and I decided that after we burn the room, rebuild it, burn it again, sterelize it with cleaning alcohol, douse it with gasoline, set fire to it and then rebuild it once more, we're turning it into a music room. So I can play in private, for NO ONE but me. We'll have to work on making the room sound proof. Sure as hell isn't sound proof now!

Wow. Clubbing on my birthday was the funnest time. Learned some sweet dance moves from Ryan Lancaster. That boy can dance. I tried to imitate them. I just looked retarded, Im sure. I'll have to have him give me a lesson at work. Sorry, Ryan can't help you right now, he's teaching me some sweet dance moves. I'll page over the intercom that he'll be holding practice 10mins before closing.

The end of the night was pretty sweet too. *wink wink* Never done THAT before. Haaahhahhaaa. Mmmmmmm.

20's gonna be a gooooooooooooood year.

Peace out! Doo DOO, doo DOO, doo DOO, doo DOO!

Friday, July 01, 2005


I dont really know what that pertains to ... but its apparently the word of the day!

Im 20!! Boija mcbean.