Brea's Babblebrook

Friday, December 17, 2004

"you're a raging biological weapon"

Thanks Mike.

So turns out the cold I THOUGHT I had is not a cold indeed, but laryngitis. There's a first time for everything I suppose. My voice is quite the sexy and the antibiotics are doing a number on my tummy *sigh*. And the worst part is I gave it to my friend John. How? I really dont know. It must have been all that making out...HAHA, jk;) Work won't let me come to work, how pleasant. But Im back tomorrow, I need the moola. Note to self: Dont make out with ANY of the staff or customers. Noted.

Seeing Stef has been SO nice. It's like old times. "Sprinkles on my back!" ... "Guess my weight!" ... "I eat flowers!!" ... GOOD TIMES Stef. Black licorice will never have the same meaning, ever.

You think I'd have more to say. But having laryngitis and spreading it to innocent people is all I got!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Could I BE more sick?

The answer to that is yes, but boija, this one has hit me hard. I thought I was getting better. Yesterday was not too bad, and last night I was shaping up. This morning was alright, feeling a little sick, but nothing dabilitating. Later on in the day, my body decided to really turn on me, yet I still did my Christmas shopping (some of it), seeings how this was my only day off ever. My voice is completly gone. Have you seen it anywhere? I'd like it back. My glands are friggin sore and my throat is throbbing like a banchie on steriods. T'will be even more interesting at work tomorrow trying to page, with no voice, yes, I see a LOT of things getting done tomorrow. I bought NyQuil (however you spell it) so maybe toNIGHT I'll get some sleep. *crosses swollen glands* My gramma went to the doctors and has a "raging throat infection" *saw her at christmas dinner* so Im going to get my arse to the doctors likidy split. When? I have NO idea. Maybe my managers will have some sympathy for me and let me go home early or something, that would be sweet. (Though it's only me and Nassim closing, so I highly highly doubt it)

It may seem like Im complaining. Though I try not to think of it that way. This is a blog where I share things, so I just figure Im sharing things. Like cyber germs. Tee.

Alright, need that NyQuil. Time to pass the frick out.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Merry Fishmas!....ish.

Crook family christmas was a go. It was fun to see everyone. My little cousin Rowan is almost one now, and SO friggin cute. My gramma came for about 20mins but left cause she had the flu and didnt want to flu it up there. I've got an uber cold, but i just colded it right up. We did the present game, and I left with a tool kit - I won it for my mom. My other cousin Zach was all black and blue. Him and his friend were jumped on friday night, and he was in the hospital till this morning I believe - on life support. Scary stuff, especially at 14. Dinner was yummy. Nice big ham and yams and veggies and all that good Christmas stuff, and a "carb-friendly" pumpkin cheese cake. My masha made it, so good. MMM.

My nose, seriously. I have tissues stuffed up the left nostril to keep it from running like a banchie, with the nice added effect of the deep sexy man vioce. T'will be fun tomorrow at work. "Good afternoon, thankyou for calling a&b sound"..."yes sir, may I have your car audio department" ... *click*

I really really want to play the piano, but my parents are in the living room watching the Survivor finale. Grr boo. Man, I have such a friggin urge to learn a song, this doesnt happen to often! I'll tell them to go for a drive;)...hehe.

Im trying to think of when I can get my christmas shopping done.....I work like everyday this week, except tuesday and wednesday....Stef reserved my tuesday and part of wednesday. Maybe I can jet out on wednesday, and do it all. HA.

Normally I would have to get up at 6am for class tomorrow..but Im all finished! mwahahaha. That feels nice. Hmm, the piano is calling me....i think.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Long time no blog

Sorry kids, Im sure you've missed me terribly:P Crazy school and work times. You get it.

Im eating some sausages right now, some nice brain food before I START my philosophy paper that is due tomorrow. But...Im not stressed out about it, at all. I also have my last test in that class tomorrow as well ... and ... yup, no stress! Kinda nice for a change.

Last night I went through all these websites and found some music for Josh Groban songs. I was so delighted. Though it would only give me the 1st page. But I can play the first page! yay! So got oodles of sheet music for his songs like "Per Te", "Hymne A L'Amour", and YES..."Remember When It Rained" Though problem...they're only the 1st pages! Which kinda stinks. But I just play the 1st page over 8 times and it takes up the same amount of time as if I were playing the full 8 pages, cause Im awesome. Also yesterday "Josh Groban Live at the Greek" was on PBS. That was SO FANTASTIC. I taped it. It was the same show from the tour that I went to when he was here in Vancouver. I was so pleased with that boy. Wow. Can't say enough about him. I want his children.

So after much contemplation, and worry, and stress, and thoughts of critisism from family ..... Im not going back to Kwantlen in January. Instead, I have decided to go ahead with a musical future. I've been setting up/getting information on music schools. There's this beautiful one, great programs, nice people, all great stuff, but its in Victoria. So I gotta think about that for sure. There are other ones locally as well, in Burnaby and Vancouver and such. I've gotta start preparing for auditions and admission interviews and all that. I'll be working full time and sorting that out for September. Im wasting money and taking classes that arent going to be beneficial to me at K and I dont want to do that anymore. So to the music school I go!! (and yes, there is a music prgram at K...but that did not intrest me) Im going for the real stuff;)

Well, that was nice to get off my chest. Back to starting my philosophy paper and stoodying.