Brea's Babblebrook

Monday, February 21, 2005

At work, again/still

So I'm at work and its dead as a door nail. It's the perfect time to blog, especially when there are no managers on duty.Mwaha.

I think the good looking drummer that I saw at that show a few weeks back is over in software. He'd better buy something. Im the only cashier here, so he'd better.


So I'm feeling a bit sick. Got that whole throat thing goin on and feelin' pretty weak. I'm going away this weekend, so it had better pass by then or I will spit nails.

They have American Idol on the TV's here. I can sort of hear them! It's the only entertainment I have here - that and tetris.

So this weekends getaway is seeming to get more complicated as the days go by. I hope everything works out before, well, before we go, heh. *sigh*

I went for a run yesterday, and a dog followed me home!! Sweetest little thing ever. I first thought it was going to kill me cause it came out of no where and jumped on me. It certainly startled me to smitherines! I had my iPod blasting and then this dog like malls me. But it turned out to be very friendly. It followed me right inside my house, ahah. I wanted to keep the little darling. She was medium sized, golden in color, few years old, and had one blue eye and one brown one. We thought it might have been half pit bull half something else. As soon as I got in the house I shouted "mom! a dog followed me home!!" to which I got the responce, "Likely story" What? you think I stoll it? So we walked around the neighbourhood a while and after about 30mins we found its rightful owner. A weird italian sort of man, mid 50's, high on SOMEthing. I named the little doggy "shnookers" (as I name EVERYthing that.) Now I know where she lives, so I can go "visit" her anytime. "Oh moooom"

3 more hours. Buh.


Thursday, February 17, 2005


I pressed "enter" instead of "tab" so it published just the title. Nice.

Anyway, it was my moms birthday today. I think she had a good one. We all got her nice gifts, so yay.

On slightly more horrible news. I went to the dentist today, now my worse enemy. It was so sad. I have a LOT of work that needs to be done, and no dental plan. Im so screwed. But I dont want my mouth to like ... cave in, so I'll have to figure something out. Maybe I'll start my OWN dental plan. Yeah. That's what I'll do. So my gums are swollen to high heaven at the moment - word too the wise ... and everyone else. FLOSS! For the love of the Lord, FLOSS!!! I can not stress that enough.

My grandparents are coming down to stay with us for the weekend:) Yay. It's always fun when they come, filled with stories and oodles and oodles of hugs. My grampa's hugs are thee best. He's like 6 foot something and just towers over you, there's nothing better then a warm embrace from gram-papa. I remember one time they came near Halloween last year. Mriss came over to carve pumpkins with us. I was wearing my jeans with my studded belt and my grey semi sweatshirt. My hair was up with a black elastic. Mriss came.....wearing the exact same thing, down to a "T". We laughed so hard. It was not at all planned and my grampa thought that was absolutly the coolest thing ever. "Do you girls do this all the time?" he exclaimed. Ahh, good times.

The time has come where I have to depart. I have some brushing and serious flossing to do.

Happy Birthday Mumsy

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Saturday .. the night Brea lost her cool

So my parents went away for the weekend. You can only imagine what would happen. Party? Correct. But not mine. Fiddy's. I had to work early all weekend, so I was more then content to be in bed by 9pm each night. Fiddy had mentioned that he was having a few of his friends over, which I could live with...but did that ever turn out to NOT be the case.

I am going to have to leave you guys in suspence. It is almost 1am and I have opening shift tomorrow and a half asleep cat on my stomach making it very difficult to type. So I bid you all adeau! adieu! adoo! ad-whatever!!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Singles Awareness Day

The title speaks for itself............

So I haven't blogged in a while. Its been a weird few days/week. Can't explain it, and if I attempt to ... bleh ... ANYWHOOZEES. Lots to catch you peepers on. I've been told I *have* to blog about the Wednesday escapades ... so ..... lets start with that....

Wednesday! - Funnest day in a long while

Sally and I got ready at her place cause she's closest to the O.B. It was hillarious trying to tell her parents that we were just "going out for dinner". They didnt believe us for one second. But we got outta there all dolled up and ready to hit the town. Once our cab came, we met Fiddy just outside. "Frank (the ID checker), this is my sister and her friend" We got in no probs. I love being the sister of a "popular" guy, at the OB anyway;) So we met all my work peeps there, and from then on it was pure FUNNESS! Wowza. Started out with "bitch beer" as most people would call it, but that got old pretty fast ... so Long Island Iced Tea's it is!!! Doubled of course. In a big glass. Those are great. Having like, 17 parts alcohol, .05 parts soda - it became my friend for the night. Hehehe. Didn't have to buy them either! (Another advantage of "knowing" Fiddy)
Darren (whom I work with) also bought us a lot of drinks, which we so gracefully spilled on him. Though I dont think he minded, hey Sally hahah.

I love how all your shyness and self- awareness leaves you when you have alcohol in your system. We got our freak on like there was no tomorrow. Not something I would normally do....around people I dont know too well anyway. But oh did we ever. We constantly found ourselves in line for drinks. "OHH my glass is empty!!, that must mean we need another one!" So we spent our time there ... and on the dance floor ... and in the crowded washrooms with only 2 working stalls. Sally and I got hit on by more girls then guys, it was so funny. It's cause we're hot stuff;)

The night continued in pretty much that order. It was awesome. Our last pee stop was around 2am and when we came out, the house lights came on meaning it was time to get the frick out. I was so sad! I wanted to funness to continue! That's when Lisa said there was a party at her place!! wooo!!!! But ... problem, Sally and I had no way of getting out to Langley where she lived. But ... answer, Darren said he would drive us!! So sweet deal. We mozy on out to his car and I literally can not see. It was like I was wearing drunk goggles. I've never not been able to see before when I had been drinking. It must have been the 7 Long Island Iced Tea's I had. Oh well. It was hillarious. I found it to be quite funny. Then I remember getting into Darren's car and just laughed and laughed. We must have stayed in the car for what seemed like hours. Just laughing and calling people and other stuff that I dont want to mention/dont really remember.

So after THAT Darren decided he wanted cheeseburgers. So we traveled to McDonalds. It sure was a blurry drive, and don't really remember much of it, or what road we took...anyway that is not the point. The point is that Darren crashed into the McDonalds sign and that made us howl with laughter. I don't recall eating my meal, but apparently I did. He dropped Sally and I back off around uhhh...4am? Something of that nature and all I remember is laughing histerically and rolling out of the car. One of my legs was on the seat of the car and the rest of me was lying on the driveway. Darren realized that I wasnt coming into view, so he got out and helped me up and I chuckled chucklesomely. Finally we rolled into the house and talked then went to sleep at 6am.



Monday, February 07, 2005

You have got to be kidding me.

I was up until 3am transfering all my pictures from my old ass computer to my gmail account - in a ragefull mood I might add. I hook the new computer up today, and what do I find in my gmail account? 4 pictures. 4. Out of hundreds, it sends 4. My blood is absolutly boiling right now. I want Stef to send me the pictures she has on her computer which I want sooo bad, but wont until I give her mine, so I was up for HOURS last night transfering the damn things to gmail. All for nothing. *curses into bleeping oblivion* :@

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Mmmm damaged hearing. Went to da club tonight. It was awesome. There were 4 bands performing and the proceeds were going to the Tsunami Relief Fund. We got there about 11pm in time for the 3 and 4th band, one of them happening to be Dakona! They are pretty good! The last band were the Snakehandshakes(i think), formally known as "10 Dollar Thompson" and they were GOOD. The drummer and the vocalist are alllllways in a&b sound and I spreken to them, and it was fun/weird to put 2 and 2 together. Anyway, there was something about the drummer that made him...different? unique? I dont know what it was, but I really liked it. So I "crowd flirted"? Is that a good term? Regardless, he "drum flirted"? back Hehe it was f-u-n. When all the bands finished it was hip hop from then on out! So cool. I love clubs - just be prepared to come back with little to no hearing. Bon TEMPS! It was more then just the club though, it was the whole kitten-kaboodle. Its hard to explain, but Im really glad I went. Not to mention that I picked Sabrina up without having a CLUE as to where I was going and we found the club without getting lost. It was amazing. I wish I had documented proof. From then on we met LauraLee and Leanne and za rest eez history! I hope that drummer comes into a&b sound soon.

Lator Gatorz

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I Survived!

Yup, no need to stress, I did survive last night and all its festivites. Work friggin dragged like a sonfa. Bah. Then The Grudge came. Really good movie and scaaary. Actually, more creepy then scary. Your heart really doesnt feel the same afterwards! Hahah, well my gibbled one didnt at least. We thought just in case we were going to die after the movie, that we'd rent a happier one, so we rented Jersey Girl. That was a good one too! I cried at 3 parts. It was good times.

MY DEAR LAURA IS IN TOWN!!!! I shrieked quite shriekely!

I FINALLY TALKED TO MRISS! (For like 5 mins mind you, she was on her way to you know whos, BLEH!:P)

Yup, these are the highlights of today. Wish I could write more, but I have some showering to do.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Im at work!!

My gosh I am brilliant! Im at work right now on my till. Im such a sneese!! I have had about 4 customers in the past 3 hours. Lauralee left at 6pm and Im here closing myself. I see 3 people in software and thats it. Ohh...A customer! .......... Rod Stewart? Who buys Rod Stewart? Geesh! I was looking on our electronic library and we do NOT have Howie Day - Madrigals. How is that even possible?? Someone should be fired for that. I choose...YOU *points at Jared* 30mins till closing!! Hopefully no one comes at like...8:59:59 wanting to by a large screen tv on their a&b card. That would make me cry. I would just tear and then put up my closed sign, take out my cash drawer and walk upstairs. Enough about work. I am watching The Grudge tonight. My gosh. I am going to die. BAH GTG!