Directionally Retarded!
I think today was the 1st day where I realized everyone was away. I kept saying all day .. "oh I'll call ... wait. Cant." "ok, well, she's home ... no shes not" .. "well, he'll wanna do ... ok, no again" hahah. Kinda sad, so what better way to get over sadness then to run it off! So that is what I did. Ok, I wasnt really sad, but just realized things arent the way they used to be, and wont be. S'good, s'good!
I ran extra long today .. not 10km though like some people:|:| Crazy Forest Gump. Got the floor in the music room painted. Nice and black! Like my heart! mwahahha. Couldn't go in there today which kinda sucked. Start piano tomorrow morning, so no warm up for me!! Unless I get up at 6am like Sally TOLD me to and play. That will not be happening. I mean, yesss Sally, I will *nods until she buys it* Im actually kinda excited about it. When I *finally* called my teacher to let me back, she was so excited and saying really sweet things. "I always knew you had so much potential. I was really upset when you quit. But Im so glad you're coming back!" SO that makes it a bit easier to think I can do it:P Plus, Im 20 now, and way more dedicated then when I was like 15 and had the added stress of high school. Now I'll just have the added stress of work, which isn't really that stressful. So I predict goodness. And I expect every one of you to be at all my recitals and concerts in the days to come. You will in fact come in the exam rooms with me when I have my exam and sleep with the judges. K? Grood.
Tonight, I got to see my Sazzle. We spent a really good chunk of time trying to find where my piano learrrrrning was going to take place. Lol. I knew sorta where it was near. But, jeez, Im so directionally retarded its so not funny. "ohhh, ok that is a dead end, wrong street" ... "umm, this looks kinda familiar, ok no, that is an In Care facility" "Brea. Does this shrub look familiar?" lol. After I'd say, 20mins? of wandering around streets, running stop signs, hitting small objects, we totally back tracked and went the way my parents always took me. I only turned down one wrong street before I found the actual street she lived on. It was such an accomplishment when we found it! I shrieked quite loudly. I could have done the back tracking to begin with, but what fun would THAT be. I like to show people how retarded I can be/am. *ahem*
Going to scoot to bed soon! Up nice and early, the hour of 6am, to uhhh practice, Sally...... :D! *Do you think she bought it??*