Dark blue DARK BLUE!!!
Im in love with this song at the moment. Thankyou Stef
So .. its 2am .. and i cant sleep. There are mice in walls and i can hear them scurry about. Its not pleasant. Im afraid they are going to gnaw right through the wall and eat my toes! Picture it! ITS A SCURRRRRY THOUGHT! Maahhhh. Then my imagination goes from there and conjures up all these thoughts, frightful frightful thoughts, of rodents/bugs/mean animals mostly, under my bed, in the walls, outside my door, under my pillow .. you know! .. lol .. i should write films!
Gooooood thing I don't have to wake up early tomorrow. Or I'd be a sad/dead duck.
Umm .. what else happened? .. i moonwalked at work, that is neat! I also balanced a rolled up poster on the flat of my hand and tried to keep it upright, also .. TRES NEAT. Which really makes a lot of sense if you think about it, because I am as NEAT as they come!
Well .. I can see that the crack is working .. so im just going to let my self out. (Of this blog)