Brea's Babblebrook

Sunday, November 28, 2004

And another....

Another mid term tomorrow. Sucky deal. Studied for it, dont feel great about it though, but when do I ever feel good about a test? never. So that's that.

Went shopping today (thanks to the pay cheque- after putting away half for a car). It went a bit better then I had expected. I was in SUCH a mood. Both mom and dad came, and that seemed to worsen the situation. Is it just me, or when yer parents are around when your in a foul mood it just makes it worse, or no better? Of course they did nothing wrong, but your pissed. My dad always acts really sweet to me when Im in that mood (which is nice). My mom will either want to talk about it right then or she'll totally mind her business. I'll kinda snap an answer to a question to her, and she'll be like "oh! ok." You want to say "bah! sorry im in a terrible mood" but you dont, at least I dont, or cant. I dunno what it is, im retarded when it comes to that. I hate being in bad moods, its not me, but sometimes it just cant be helped. Put on the added stress of school and work- doesnt help. But whatever, Im over it.

Im going tuesday to look at cars with Mriss. My objective is to have a car by the middle of December. That's my goal, dammit. There's a really nice red 1997 Sunfire out in Surrey, but Mriss thinks we can get something better for the price they were offering. So we shall see.

We're in the starting process of painting our living room. It hasnt started yet, but the paint and all its accessories have been purchased. We're getting our christmas tree next weekend and we want it done before that, so this week is paint week! We're gonna get so high off fumes, it wont even be funny! Who'z in? hehe, jk.

Boo urns, up uber early for mid term. Must get beauty rest (HA!)

Thursday, November 25, 2004

*does her piano thang*

I've been trying to play some of my old piano stuff, so I can get back into the swing of things. Im......much worse then when I was actually in lessons. My fingers dont move like they used to. I'll fix that soon fingers, I'll take 11 ... (just in case) My grandpa is all keen in getting my music "career" on foot...sending me sights to check out, people to get in contact with, so on and so forth. What NEEDS to happen is for my fingers to become less retarded, and for my brain to switch back to music mode, that should make things a bit easier;) I also cracked open the flute and have been jazzing around with that. Its fun.

Finished my psychology paper. Bah. All done with those papers. Though I've got my philosophy paper due on Dec.9th, it'll be the last paper. Still have midterms up the ying yang...but those are a bit better compared to the papers.

Got to work in software on wednesday. That was funners. I filed cd's! heheh. It was cool. Its a nice change compared to standing still at yer till all day:)

Better get back to studying....cause im awesome.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Done? Im sorry, what?

Did I finish my horrible dragged on archaeology paper? Yes. Yes I did. Im so relieved that its finished. This only means I have to finish my psych paper tomorrow, go to class for 3 hours, and studying freakishly for my philosophy mid term for Thursday and then somehow read 3 weeks worth of lecture notes for my psych. midterm the following moday all whilst(I like this word) working and getting no time off! Im awesome. *rolls eyes*

STEF STEF STEF!!!! (Ohhh, I mentioned your name 3rice!!)

Otto took a nice chunk out of my hand this morning. That was pleasant.

Visit with the gramparents was wonderful. They're great. Sara stopped by just shortly after I got back from work on Sunday. She wanted to make sure that I was still alive. I love friends like that, they come check on you? That really is the sweetest thing ever. Thanks for that Sara, I really appreciated it. The card and the treat was especially lovely. You rock, you know?

Im full of javajavajavajavajavajava right now. My eyes are saying "GO TO BED YOU FRIGGIN CRAB HEAD" but my body is like "PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTAY!" I just dont know what to d- *snores* I've been looking at this computer for houuuuuurs today, so I should give them a rest, maybe that's why they are slowly closing, they're melting!...backwards!! Dear, I really sleep.

I did get a very nice phone call today from mr.stranger. I hope he got it through his brain that the phone does wonders. WONDERS.

Aight, to bed. *Yawns*

Saturday, November 20, 2004

I Dare You To Move

Welcome to the planet, welcome to existance. Everyone's here, everyone's here. Everybody's watching you now. Everybody waits for you now. What happens next? What happens next? I dare you to move.....

Im really enjoying that song. I've had such a crappy friggin day, (except for when Sefie took me out for dinner and for pool) I feel so lonely and all I've got to comfort me are my friggin term papers!! They SUCK. Im really feeling stupid, because I work for hours on end, and I seem to get little to nothing accomplished and feel not good about the work that I HAVE done. If I don't do well on my papers, I won't pass my classes. So many people have repeated this class with the prof I've got for archaeology because they didnt do well on their papers. (I know that sentence wasnt too grammatical, so shush) Im just.......BAH. I know Im sounding all selfish, and "ohh feel sorry for me" but that is NOT what Im trying to do. Im just venting. Pure vent.

Ever feel like with some friends its kinda a one way friendship? It sucks. Its like your putting in all this effort, but you get nothing really in return. And if I have ever made anyone feel that way, Im sorry. Cause its not a good feeling. Just wanted to get that out there.

Im gonna force myself to go to the gym in the morning before work. I am. Then Im going to go to work feeling all nice and worked-out. Then come home in the evening to my grandparents!! YAY! I havent seen them in a while and they're spending the night! Wooo! Though Im going to be finishing up my papers.....I'll make time for them. They're awesome.

Ack, if Im going to get up early and gym it up... I should turn in.

You don't need a license to drive a sandwhich

Well....5/10 pages done for arch. paper....and 4/5-7 for psych paper. It's harder than it seems. I've squeezed out all the info I can for my arch. paper. At least it seems like I have. Boija. It's going to be a miracle if I get these done. Between trying to write them and having to work, it seems impossible.'ll get done.

Saw the Spongebob movie last night as a break for myself. It was hillarious. I needed that laugh. It was really really good. He's so awesome that little sponge.

Went by our car guy today. And looks like he has a car for me. It's not too bad. Its an white '89 Honda, automatic, and he just put on new tires, and breaks and cv joints and timer-something, so things actually work. (a big leap from what Im used to) So Im gonna think on it a bit. It's gonna take up a nice chunk of my pay cheque. But, thats why I have a job. To pay for things. And I need to pay for things, so vwalla.

Must get back to the grind that is known as the dreded term papers.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Freaking Out.

Freaking out. I did not plan my time well. 19 pages of term papers are due in a few days. Freaking out. Dont want acedemic probation. Afraid of the days that are to come. Dont know if I'll make it out alive. My gosh. So lost. So confused - with acedemics and life. *explodes*

That is all.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Remember When It Rained

This song has been consuming me for days!! I LOVE it. Whaa! When asked at work "if you had to choose ONE famous person to meet, who would it be" I replied right away with "Josh Groban, hands down!" and I slapped my hand on the cash desk. To which I got the response "are you KIDDING me?" Its ok. I know where they work. I watched Josh's performace again before I went to school. I just dont know what is so attractive about him. Actually, that's a lie. Seriously. Could it be his boyish good looks? those flowing brown locks? that piano attatched to his fingers? those vocal chords that produce that unspeakable sound? or D) all of the above? Oh man. I love him uber amounts.

Im leaving for the gym 4 mins ago. I'll leave you with a Josh quote that is just too great.

"I thought this was the line for the bizzathroom"

Monday, November 15, 2004

One of those days

You know those days where you just want to cry? I feel like balling my eyes out. I dont think for any real reason, just to have a good cry. Does that make sense? I have to leave for work soon, so I'll try and make this snappy.

I've been working none friggin stop on these papers, and I seriously haven't gotten like anything done. Its SO frusterating. Though I booked days off this week so I could get them done, so I pray that I do get them done, and that they are well written. I took a break last night from all the crazy. John and I saw a movie, it was called "What the bleep do we know?" It was pretty good, I actually enjoyed it a lot. It totally makes you think and sort of see a different perspective on things. Its neat.

I don't feel like going to work. Blech. I feel ick. I hope its not busy and that no one decides to buy a flat screen tv at closing for $3700 and pay all in $20's. I stayed like an extra 45 mins after work just counting my float after that. Though Adam helped me, so that was nice of him. Good salesman!
I hope my shift fly's by....oh and wednesday morning Im doing the opening shift alllll by myself. Eek! So I'll be all by my lonesome till the next gall comes in for her shift. No one better return anything!!!!! ;)

Buuuuh, I need to leave. Till later my feathered friends.

OHHHH I saw Josh Groban perform on the AMA's last night. OMG. So friggin fantastic. He did "Remember When It Rained" It was flawless!:D I love him. Have my babies Josh?


Thursday, November 11, 2004


Just when you thought your word counted for something.

Didn't make it to my staff meeting. Car decided not to work.

Realized that a momentary way to cure pms is to lash out at your cat.

Right when you thought you were having a good day....


Monday, November 08, 2004

I Just Sort Of Bite And Swallow...Like A Duck...Who Needs To Chew?

The famous words from a wisdom tooth-less fella! I like it, like it a lot.

I bashed my leg nicely at work yesterday, it hurt at the time, but I shluffed it off. Now of course there is a huge arse bruise decorating my leg. Its just beautiful. Maybe I can get worker's comp. lol! MEDICAL LEAVE!! *BUIIII*

I miss my family. I know it sounds weird. But if Im not at school or cooped in my room doing homework, Im at work. It sucks kinda. I havent had a conversation with my dad in over a month, a good conversation. We had tons of those. We'd do stuff. Now I hardly ever see him. Sucky. And if he chooses to do this project with the Magna Carta, that'll put him in England, working for months at a time. Though maybe he'd like to fly his *ahem* daughter down. That is when I will use my worker's comp. Perfect. Dont' worry. I've fully thought this through. (lol)

Oh man, what I would give to have a massage right now. Standing for 8 hours a day in one spot takes its toll on the back and shoulders. Ohhh, to lie on a table and have a massage. *drools*

MY GOSH, did I have a scary dream last night or what! Im just remembering it now SO clearly. Ack. Ok. I was first at a&b sound watching TV in the show room with all the sale's men, then the dream switched. I was outside where it was kinda getting stormy and the sun had just gone down, so it was grey and windy. I could see and hear all the trees rustling, that in itself was creepy. Then I see this figure coming towards me, it turned out to be a girl, a really pale girl with black craggly wettish hair (she looked exactly like the girl from The Grudge that is creeping down those stairs) She was dirty and looked angry. We were then near a barn, me and some other people, and the girl came back and stood near this table. She pulled out this wooden thing which happened to be a very small version of those school desks that have the desk and chair all in one. She layed it down on the table, and grabbed with wooden steak, and started stabbing it uncontrolably. It was like I was in a movie. Then, which I really can't explain, the dream switches and me and the other people that I was with are in this other world type thing where we were floating amoungst what seemed to be large cotton balls, really puffy, almost like cotton candy. The floating was so surreal. We were just in the air, all floating. Then after some floating, it stopped, and we were back in the dark grey stormy world. Im walking about by myself past that barn. As I'm walking, I see something on the ground. As I got closer, I realized that it was her. She had a huge wooden steak going through her and her body was mangled, her eyes were wide open. My heart started beating really fast and I got really scared. I then thought to myself in the dream, "your in a movie, this is just a prosthetic" so that kinda calmed me down for an instant. Just as I finished that thought, I look back over at her, she turns her head quickly to face me and she starts to lunge for me. As she does this, just as she's about to get me, my eyes open with a burst of energy and I awaken from the dream.

Not pleasant!

I really wonder why I dreampt that. So weird. Anyone wanna take a stab at that, just lemme know. Ugh. Bleh. Ick.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

dead to the world.

Holy crap. The most holy crap there is! Im not complaining, cause it makes me feel selfish. But, jeez. I can not WAIT till school is done and the darned christmas rush is OVER, I can then go back into my own little world of happiness!!

I feel so bad for not having time for my friends. I've been asked to do stuff 2wice this week by Sara and I feel SO bad for not being able to. Truth be told, I'm not doing as well as I should be in my classes and its totally taking its toll on me and freaking me out just a bit "slash" quite a friggin lot. I apologize whole heartedly to her and the others that I feel I've let down. I don't want to make excuses for myself, but I also dont want to fail school. But I also understand that friends are important. Once November ends, I think I'll have a little bit more time and hopefully not be freaking out quite so much. Just as of right now, it's hard for me to think straight and keep a positive foot in the door, but it'll pass. I have faith. *I gotta have faith, I gotta have faith fa-faith fa-faith* (8)

I cracked open the Christmas music this evening after work. It put me in a spirited mood while I studied. And yeah, I ate some chocolate. Dont tell Dr. Atkins. He'll shoot me in the face from his grave. Now I feel like a 400 lb cookabura sitting in an old oak tree, that breaks and kills the squirels happily gathering nuts in their cheeks beneath her.

I need to sedate myself. lol. Good night.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


I find myself talking like a pirate at work. Why? I have no idea. Im always saying "Thaar ya beee" as I give them their purchases. I feel retarded after I say it, but I can't stop. That's a stroke thing right? ;)

I've got 3 papers due veeeeeery soon, and I haven't started them yet. Freaking out? Kinda startin' to. Each being a 10 page paper. I think I'll give myself a stroke, forget talking like a pirate. Yarrr.

The pirate thing was really the only reason I felt the need to blog, and I honestly thought it would take up a lot more room than it has. Maybe something more interesting will happen to me at school that I'll feel the need to write about that. I doubt it. But MAYBE! My life surely can't be this boring. Or can it? Oh no! *gasp*